In your case you mustve finished with a lot of money, which triggers the gold ending. I would be annoyed if I did everything else right but still ended up being killed at the end just cause I was money bags. OTOH, I generally enjoyed the final few levels getting there. Shooting people so you didnt sneak around enough and find certain evidence to unlock real sekret mysteries of the universe. You had too much money and were too good at If I remember correctly, you get the money ending by amassing 50,000 rubles and finishing the game, regardless of any other factor. The guides there have the way to get every ending (of like, five). How do I get that ending and what did I do wrong to get the fake gold ending Thanks. So I got this ending where Strelok is staring at the sky and gold is falling.īut it turns out to be an illusion and metal debris kills him. Stalker Shadow Of Chernobyl Ending By condmellandli1987 Follow | PublicĪlso, having a underslung gernade launcher was hella helpful at the end if you can dig up enough gernades (I went western rifles at the end.) But thats just my play style.